Sunday, January 11, 2015

Inaugural Post!

Well, after much procrastination, I finally am going to attempt to do this as often as I can.

My view of the world is different.

Simpler. Cleaner.

Don't over-complicate the facts. NOTHING is as dire as it seems.

If we can take a breath between freak outs, maybe it can be seen in a better light.

Let's try that...

Someone has cut you off. Road rage or acceptance?

Maybe their kid is sick, boss on their ass, or a thousand other things.

Maybe they are an ass.

Either way, the road rage is unneeded.

Let them get ahead of you on the road. They will depart your life fast enough.

Then you can enjoy the time with your family & friends. And not describing the incident to everyone you encounter helps to reduce stress.

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